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Goudprijs € 2.768,31 £ 2.303,76 $ 2.903,69
Zilver prijs € 30,93 £ 25,74 $ 32,46

Proof Britse Sovereign munten

We stock a selection of gold proof sovereign coins available at low margins including many limited edition coins in various years. All our sovereign proofs are VAT free.

View: 3 coin proof sovereign sets, 4 coin sovereign sets and 5 coin proof sovereign sets.

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Gold proof sovereign coin, gold uncirculated sovereign sets and limited-edition gold sovereigns available at very reasonable margins. We have a number of great looking boxed and sealed gold proof, uncirculated and special sovereigns in stock, featuring a range of years and designs.
BullionByPost are a Royal Mint authorised distributor and only sell authentic British mint sovereign coins.