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Here you will find our interesting range of numismatic or collectible coins, grouped by Monarch. These are fascinating objects and you can see the history in the coin. Click on each Monarch to see the available coins.

The coins are all individual products, so the actual coin you will receive is pictured on the product page; you will often find a number of versions of the same coin, in various conditions. Scroll down to see the time sequence for each monarch's reign..

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Elizabeth II Munten

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George III

Voorraad Verwacht

Want to view coins by type not monarch? Head on over to our numismatic gold coins and silver coins.


Order of coins & monarchs:

Edward I (1272 - 1307)

Henry VI (1422 - 1461 & 1470 - 1471)

Henry VIII (1509 - 1547)

Elizabeth I (1558 - 1603)

James I (1603 - 1625)

Charles I (1625-1649)

Oliver Cromwell / Commonwealth (1649 - 1660)

Charles II (1660 - 1685)

James II (1685 - 1688)

William III & Mary II (1689 - 1694)

William III (1694 - 1702)

Anne (1702 - 1714)

George I (1714 - 1727)

George II (1727 - 1760)

George III (1760 - 1820)

George IV (1820 - 1830)

William IV (1830 - 1837)

Victoria (1837 - 1901)

Edward VII (1901 - 1910)

George V (1910 - 1936)