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Metaal prijzen
Goudprijs € 2.815,82 £ 2.332,22 $ 2.933,89
Zilver prijs € 31,41 £ 26,02 $ 32,72

Proof £5 coins

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Gold Proof Quintuple Sovereign Coin Sets, Gold Uncirculated Quintuple Sovereign Coin Sets and limited-edition Gold Quintuple Sovereign Coin Sets available at very reasonable margins. The Quintuple Sovereign is also known as the £5 crown or coin and is still one of the few UK legal tender gold coins in use today.  We have a number of great looking boxed and sealed gold proof, uncirculated and special Quintuple Sovereigns in stock, featuring a range of years and designs.  If you are looking for Bullion gold sovereigns, please visit the sovereignspage for further information.

Bullion by Post are a Royal Mint authorised distributor and only sell authentic British mint coins and coin sets.