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Goudprijs € 2.801,79 £ 2.321,56 $ 2.927,91
Zilver prijs € 31,26 £ 25,89 $ 32,71

Gold Proof 2005 Two Pound Coin: 60th Anniversary WWII

Prijs: vanaf € 1.767

Fabrikant: Royal Mint

Gewicht (gram): 15,98

Puur Goud hoeveelheid (gram): 14,6448

Fijnheid: 916.7

Afmetingen: Box: 83mm x 83mm x 26mm. Munt: 28.4mm diameter

Voorraad: Op voorraad

Product ID: 172

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Op investeringsgoud
Totaal: € 1.767
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Rated 'Excellent' by our customers

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1+ € 1.767 € 0,00 € 1.767
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Totaal: € 1.767
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Rated 'Excellent' by our customers

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1+ € 1.767 € 0,00 € 1.767
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This Mint 2005 box-set features a single untouched Gold Proof Two Pound (or Double-Sovereign) coin. This coin weighs the same as a regular double-sovereign, at 15.98grams and 22-carat gold (91.67% fineness). The design of the obverse of this Two Pound Coin features the front of Christopher Wren's St Paul's Cathedral in full floodlights, and is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II; the edge inscription of this Two Pound Coin is 'IN VICTORY MAGNANIMITY, IN PEACE GOODWILL'. This stunning Two Pound Gold Coin which contains both 'Red' and 'Yellow' Gold (due to added Silver content), comes complete with its own booklet/Certificate of Authenticity and bound in a good looking green leatherette case.